


 CH-47D Chinook (RV03825) (scara: 1/144)

CH-47D Chinook (RV03825) (scara: 1/144)

Model kit of the CH-47D Chinook, probably the most famous transport helicopter ever. The CH-47 Chino..

81,00 RON

 First Diorama Set - Bismarck Battle (RV05668) (scara: 1/1200)

First Diorama Set - Bismarck Battle (RV05668) (scara: 1/1200)

Beginner set for the design of the first own diorama, to present the built models in a realistic sce..

122,00 RON

 The Mandalorian: The Child Grogu (RV06783)

The Mandalorian: The Child Grogu (RV06783)

Model kit of one of the main characters of the Star Wars series "The Mandalorian" – Grogu, also know..

219,00 RON

 USS Enterprise CV-6  (RV05824) (scara: 1/1200)

USS Enterprise CV-6 (RV05824) (scara: 1/1200)

The USS Enterprise was the most famous American aircraft carrier of WWII. It was involved in almost ..

54,00 RON

25pdr Field Gun and Quad (AF01305) (scara: 1/76)

25pdr Field Gun and Quad (AF01305) (scara: 1/76)

 25-pdr a fost in serviciul unitatilor Britanice si ale fortelor Commonwealth de-alungul WWII s..

35,00 RON

3.7cm Pak 36 (HP72251) (scara: 1/72)

3.7cm Pak 36 (HP72251) (scara: 1/72)

 Tun anti-tank al armatei germane folosit extensiv in WW II...

20,00 RON

3.7cm Pak.35/36 (HP72241) (scara: 1/72)

3.7cm Pak.35/36 (HP72241) (scara: 1/72)

 Pak 36  (Panzerabwehrkanone 36) a fost principala arma anti-tanc germana pana la mijlocul..

18,00 RON

52-K 85mm Soviet Heavy AA gun (early version) (HP72276) (scara: 1/72)

52-K 85mm Soviet Heavy AA gun (early version) (HP72276) (scara: 1/72)

 Tun sovietic anti-aerian caruia i sa atribuie multe doborari de avioane inamice. Dupa razboi u..

43,00 RON

7.5cm Panzerabwehrkanone 41 (Pak.41) (HP72280) (scara: 1/72)

7.5cm Panzerabwehrkanone 41 (Pak.41) (HP72280) (scara: 1/72)

 Pak.41 a fost printre ultimeme piese anti-tanc dezvoltate de armata germana catre sfarsitul WW..

27,00 RON

AB 205 ARMA DEI CARABINIERI (HP2739) (scara: 1/48)

AB 205 ARMA DEI CARABINIERI (HP2739) (scara: 1/48)

 AB 205 este o varianta a binecunoscutului UH-1 Huey, construit sub licenta in Italia...

93,00 RON

Airbus A330-300 Lufthansa (RV03816)

Airbus A330-300 Lufthansa (RV03816)

Masterful flight experience: Build the Airbus A330-300 Lufthansa "New Livery" in 1:144 scaleWelcome ..

146,00 RON

Albion AM463 3-Point Refueller (AF03312) (scara: 1/48)

Albion AM463 3-Point Refueller (AF03312) (scara: 1/48)

Masina Albion AM463 3-Point Refueller Scara 1:48De la izbucnirea celui de-al doilea razboi mondial p..

65,00 RON

Ambrosini SAI 403 Dardo (RSM92159) (scara: 1/72)

Ambrosini SAI 403 Dardo (RSM92159) (scara: 1/72)

 Ambrosini 403 Dardo a aparut in ultima parte a anului 1942, dezvoltat pentru S.A.I.207. Modelu..

59,00 RON

American UH-34A (HP87215) (scara: 1/72)

American UH-34A (HP87215) (scara: 1/72)

 Initial acest aparat a fost dezvoltat pentru US Navy ca vanator de submarine. Proiectul acestu..

59,00 RON

ANZAC Infantry (1915) (RV2618) (scara: 1/35)

ANZAC Infantry (1915) (RV2618) (scara: 1/35)

 Kit de constructie pentru trupe ANZAC (Australian si New Zealand Army Corps) in timpul WWI, ba..

33,00 RON

Arado 66 Trainer Luftwaffe (RSM92059) (scara: 1/72)

Arado 66 Trainer Luftwaffe (RSM92059) (scara: 1/72)

 Arado Ar 66 a fost un biplan cu 2 locuri, proiectat in 1933 si era dotat cu un motor Argus As ..

55,00 RON

Army Lynx AH1/Mk.1 (HPS-020) (scara: 1/72)

Army Lynx AH1/Mk.1 (HPS-020) (scara: 1/72)

 Lynx este un elicopter militar multi-rol. A intrat in productie in 1977 si este in dotarea a p..

27,00 RON

B-57A / RB-57A Night intruder (HP1431) (scara: 1/144)

B-57A / RB-57A Night intruder (HP1431) (scara: 1/144)

 B-57 este un avion american cu rol de recunoastere si bombardier care a intrat in dorarea US A..

42,00 RON

Bedford MWD Light Truck (AF03313) (scara: 1/48)

Bedford MWD Light Truck (AF03313) (scara: 1/48)

Masina Bedford MWD Light Truck Scara 1:48Seria Bedford MW a fost cel mai mic din timpul razboiului d..

65,00 RON

Bismarck (RV5040) (scara: 1/350)

Bismarck (RV5040) (scara: 1/350)

Battleship BISMARCK Revell RV5040Descriere:    Macheta de asamblat din plastic.  &nbs..

489,00 RON

Boeing 747-200 (RV4210)

Boeing 747-200 (RV4210)

Boeing 747-200 in scale 1:390Look forward to the impressive 1:390 scale model kit of the Boeing 747-..

38,00 RON

Boeing 777-300, Transaero (HP14477) (scara: 1/144)

Boeing 777-300, Transaero (HP14477) (scara: 1/144)

 Boeing 777 este o familie de aparate dedicate rutelor lungi. Sunt aparate cu doua motoare cu c..

172,00 RON

British 4x4 Off-Road Vehicle Series III (109 /LWB) (RV3246) (scara: 1/35)

British 4x4 Off-Road Vehicle Series III (109 /LWB) (RV3246) (scara: 1/35)

Land Roverul a fost produs prima data in 1948. A fost multa vreme testat si introdus imediat in Arma..

79,00 RON

British Airways A320 (RV03840) (scara: 1/144)

British Airways A320 (RV03840) (scara: 1/144)

Brand:    Revell Barcode:    4009803038407Model Number:    03840S..

147,00 RON

Churchill Bridge Layer (AF04301) (scara: 1/76)

Churchill Bridge Layer (AF04301) (scara: 1/76)

Tanc Churchill Bridge Layer Scara 1:76Luand doar 1,5 minute pentru a implementa, Tancul Pod nr.2 a a..

90,00 RON

Curtiss Hawk II (RSM92191) (scara: 1/72)

Curtiss Hawk II (RSM92191) (scara: 1/72)

 Hawk II a fost de fapt versiunea de export a XF11C-2 cu motorizare R-1820F-3 Cyclone, cu 710cp..

59,00 RON

D-Day Operation Overlord Gift Set (AF50162) (scara: 1/76)

D-Day Operation Overlord Gift Set (AF50162) (scara: 1/76)

 In dimineata lui 6 Iunie 1944 fortele Aliate au debarcat pe plajele din Normandia in Nordul Fr..

280,00 RON

D-Day Set (LCM3 & 4x4 Off-Road Vehicle) (RV3000) (scara: 1/35)

D-Day Set (LCM3 & 4x4 Off-Road Vehicle) (RV3000) (scara: 1/35)

 In 6 Iunie 1944, Aliatii au debarcat in Normandia. Aceasta zi faimoasa este cunoscuta sub nume..

280,00 RON

Dakota Douglas Mk.IV (AF08015) (scara: 1/72)

Dakota Douglas Mk.IV (AF08015) (scara: 1/72)

Descris de Generalul Eisenhower ca una dintre cele 4 arme care au ajutat aliatii sa castige al doile..

138,00 RON

Darth Vader's Tie Fighter (RV3602)

Darth Vader's Tie Fighter (RV3602)

 Scara: 1/121 Lungime: 71 mm Anvergura: 81 mm Varsta recomandata: 10+ ani N..

46,00 RON

De Havilland Comet 4B (AF04176) (scara: 1/144)

De Havilland Comet 4B (AF04176) (scara: 1/144)

Scara: 1:144Grad de dificultate: 2Numar piese: 39Dimensiuni mm : L249 x l230..

90,00 RON

Death Star II & Imperial Star Destroyer (RV01207)

Death Star II & Imperial Star Destroyer (RV01207)

Statia de lupta sferica are un diametru de 900 de kilometri si poate distruge planete intregi dintr-..

137,00 RON

DESTROYER kl.I (HPS-015) (scara: 1/500)

DESTROYER kl.I (HPS-015) (scara: 1/500)

DESTROYER kl.I (HPS-015) (scara: 1/500)..

21,00 RON

Dingo 2 GE A3.3 PatSi (RV3242) (scara: 1/35)

Dingo 2 GE A3.3 PatSi (RV3242) (scara: 1/35)

 De cand a fost introdus in serviciu in 2000, ATF (All-protect transport vehicle) Dingo s-a dez..

89,00 RON

EC 135 Polizei EasyKit (RV6635) (scara: 1/72)

EC 135 Polizei EasyKit (RV6635) (scara: 1/72)

 Anul de fabricatie - 1984 Acest set este pentru incepatori. Cu EasyKit si MiniKit constru..

32,00 RON

Eurofighter Bronze Tiger (RV3970) (scara: 1/144)

Eurofighter Bronze Tiger (RV3970) (scara: 1/144)

 Euro Fighter este cel mai renumit avion de lupta multi-rol cu performante deosebite al actuale..

29,00 RON

Eurofighter Typhoon - "The Bavarian Tiger 2021" (RV03818) (scara: 1/72)

Eurofighter Typhoon - "The Bavarian Tiger 2021" (RV03818) (scara: 1/72)

 About this item    1:72 Scale Plastic Model Kit, 85parts    Required assem..

128,00 RON

Flettner 282 B-0 (RSM92183) (scara: 1/72)

Flettner 282 B-0 (RSM92183) (scara: 1/72)

 Inovativul Flettner Fl 282 a fost unul din primele elicoptere operationale folosite la bordul ..

59,00 RON

French 25mm Anti-tank gun S.A. MIe 1934 (HP72523) (scara: 1/72)

French 25mm Anti-tank gun S.A. MIe 1934 (HP72523) (scara: 1/72)

 Piesa de artilerie cu rol anti-tanc din dotarea armatei franceze, WW II..

19,00 RON

Garda Elvetiana (RV2801) (scara: 1/16)

Garda Elvetiana (RV2801) (scara: 1/16)

Un set de constructie de macheta a unui membra a faimoasei Garzi Elvetiene, garda de corp a papei.Nr..

94,00 RON

Gift set Bismarck (RV65802) (scara: 1/1200)

Gift set Bismarck (RV65802) (scara: 1/1200)

 Length model, mm: 201 The complete set includes:    50 plastic parts  &nbs..

96,00 RON

Giftset 25th Anniversary ISS Platinum Edition (RV05651)

Giftset 25th Anniversary ISS Platinum Edition (RV05651)

Discover the wonders of space travel: detailed 1:144 scale ISS model kit!This exceptional model feat..

638,00 RON

HMS Belfast (AF04212) (scara: 1/600)

HMS Belfast (AF04212) (scara: 1/600)

Kit navomodele Airfix 4212 Nava HMS Belfast Scara 1:600Unul din cele 2 crucisatoare Town clasa 3 , B..

90,00 RON

Junker Ju 87 G/D Tank Buster (RV4692) (scara: 1/72)

Junker Ju 87 G/D Tank Buster (RV4692) (scara: 1/72)

Pana la sfarsitul primului an al razboiului, comanda germana Luftwaffe trebuie sa fi cunoscut deja c..

68,00 RON

Junkers Ju 86P (RSM92077) (scara: 1/72)

Junkers Ju 86P (RSM92077) (scara: 1/72)

 In 1940, prototipul Ju 86P a zburat prima data, fiind proiectat ca un avion de altitudine mare..

135,00 RON

Afişare 1 - 45 din 93 (3 pagini)