Land vehicles

Anything that moves on earth

 PzKpfw III Ausf. L World of Tanks (RV03501) (scara: 1/72)

PzKpfw III Ausf. L World of Tanks (RV03501) (scara: 1/72)

The German Panzerkampfwagen III is considered one of the best tanks for scout gameplay in "World of ..

127.00 RON

 Sherman M4A1 (RV03290) (scara: 1/72)

Sherman M4A1 (RV03290) (scara: 1/72)

Model kit of the most built US tank in WWII, the Sherman. Deficiencies in armour the Shermans were a..

80.00 RON

 Spz Marder 1A3 (RV3326) (scara: 1/72)

Spz Marder 1A3 (RV3326) (scara: 1/72)

Model kit of the modern Marder infantry fighting vehicle in the combat-grade 1A3 variant introduced ..

94.00 RON

25pdr Field Gun and Quad (AF01305) (scara: 1/76)

25pdr Field Gun and Quad (AF01305) (scara: 1/76)

 25-pdr a fost in serviciul unitatilor Britanice si ale fortelor Commonwealth de-alungul WWII s..

35.00 RON

3.7cm Pak 36 (HP72251) (scara: 1/72)

3.7cm Pak 36 (HP72251) (scara: 1/72)

 Tun anti-tank al armatei germane folosit extensiv in WW II...

20.00 RON

3.7cm Pak.35/36 (HP72241) (scara: 1/72)

3.7cm Pak.35/36 (HP72241) (scara: 1/72)

 Pak 36  (Panzerabwehrkanone 36) a fost principala arma anti-tanc germana pana la mijlocul..

18.00 RON

52-K 85mm Soviet Heavy AA gun (early version) (HP72276) (scara: 1/72)

52-K 85mm Soviet Heavy AA gun (early version) (HP72276) (scara: 1/72)

 Tun sovietic anti-aerian caruia i sa atribuie multe doborari de avioane inamice. Dupa razboi u..

43.00 RON

7.5cm Panzerabwehrkanone 41 (Pak.41) (HP72280) (scara: 1/72)

7.5cm Panzerabwehrkanone 41 (Pak.41) (HP72280) (scara: 1/72)

 Pak.41 a fost printre ultimeme piese anti-tanc dezvoltate de armata germana catre sfarsitul WW..

27.00 RON

Albion AM463 3-Point Refueller (AF03312) (scara: 1/48)

Albion AM463 3-Point Refueller (AF03312) (scara: 1/48)

Masina Albion AM463 3-Point Refueller Scara 1:48De la izbucnirea celui de-al doilea razboi mondial p..

65.00 RON

American UH-34A (HP87215) (scara: 1/72)

American UH-34A (HP87215) (scara: 1/72)

 Initial acest aparat a fost dezvoltat pentru US Navy ca vanator de submarine. Proiectul acestu..

59.00 RON

Bedford MWD Light Truck (AF03313) (scara: 1/48)

Bedford MWD Light Truck (AF03313) (scara: 1/48)

Masina Bedford MWD Light Truck Scara 1:48Seria Bedford MW a fost cel mai mic din timpul razboiului d..

65.00 RON

Bofors 40Mm Gun And Tractor (AF02314) (scara: 1/76)

Bofors 40Mm Gun And Tractor (AF02314) (scara: 1/76)

Produsa in 1930 de Swedish Bofors Company, aceasta arma a fost adoptata nbsp; de 18 tari si a deveni..

49.00 RON

British 4x4 Off-Road Vehicle Series III (109 /LWB) (RV3246) (scara: 1/35)

British 4x4 Off-Road Vehicle Series III (109 /LWB) (RV3246) (scara: 1/35)

Land Roverul a fost produs prima data in 1948. A fost multa vreme testat si introdus imediat in Arma..

79.00 RON

Churchill Bridge Layer (AF04301) (scara: 1/76)

Churchill Bridge Layer (AF04301) (scara: 1/76)

Tanc Churchill Bridge Layer Scara 1:76Luand doar 1,5 minute pentru a implementa, Tancul Pod nr.2 a a..

90.00 RON

D-Day Set (LCM3 & 4x4 Off-Road Vehicle) (RV3000) (scara: 1/35)

D-Day Set (LCM3 & 4x4 Off-Road Vehicle) (RV3000) (scara: 1/35)

 In 6 Iunie 1944, Aliatii au debarcat in Normandia. Aceasta zi faimoasa este cunoscuta sub nume..

280.00 RON

Dingo 2 GE A3.3 PatSi (RV3242) (scara: 1/35)

Dingo 2 GE A3.3 PatSi (RV3242) (scara: 1/35)

 De cand a fost introdus in serviciu in 2000, ATF (All-protect transport vehicle) Dingo s-a dez..

89.00 RON

French 25mm Anti-tank gun S.A. MIe 1934 (HP72523) (scara: 1/72)

French 25mm Anti-tank gun S.A. MIe 1934 (HP72523) (scara: 1/72)

 Piesa de artilerie cu rol anti-tanc din dotarea armatei franceze, WW II..

19.00 RON

LKW 2t. tmil gl (Unimog) (RV3082) (scara: 1/35)

LKW 2t. tmil gl (Unimog) (RV3082) (scara: 1/35)

 In 1978 primele aprox. 12 000 de UNIMOG (UNIversal MOtor-Gerat) au fost livrate catre armata f..

82.00 RON

LKW gl (4x4 Truck) (RV3300) (scara: 1/72)

LKW gl (4x4 Truck) (RV3300) (scara: 1/72)

 Pentru a proviziona trupele pe campul de lupta cu materiale cum ar fi munitie, lubrifianti, pe..

59.00 RON

M-102 US 105mm howitzer (HP72419) (scara: 1/72)

M-102 US 105mm howitzer (HP72419) (scara: 1/72)

 Prima data introdus in razboiul din Vietnam, M-102 este tunul howitzer usor, tractat, folosit ..

31.00 RON

M106 Mortar Carrier (HP7069) (scara: 1/72)

M106 Mortar Carrier (HP7069) (scara: 1/72)

 Piese de artilerie autopropulsata, folosita de armata americana...

60.00 RON

M2A1 105mm U.S. field howitzer (HP72527) (scara: 1/72)

M2A1 105mm U.S. field howitzer (HP72527) (scara: 1/72)

 Piesa de artilerie dezvoltata dupa refolosirea din capturarea de tunuri howitzer germane de 10..

37.00 RON

Mi-2T ,,Comandos Transport,, (HPD-152) (scara: 1/72)

Mi-2T ,,Comandos Transport,, (HPD-152) (scara: 1/72)

 Mi-2T este un elicopter mic, cu armura usoara, pentru transport ce poate oferi si suport de ap..

26.00 RON

Mk.VI 736(e) Beobachtungspanzer (HP72519) (scara: 1/72)

Mk.VI 736(e) Beobachtungspanzer (HP72519) (scara: 1/72)

 Varianta modificata pentru a servi ca tanc de comanda...

44.00 RON

Oerlikon 20 mm/70 (0,79 inch) Mk 4 (USA) (HP650-001) (scara 1/72)

Oerlikon 20 mm/70 (0,79 inch) Mk 4 (USA) (HP650-001) (scara 1/72)

 Oerlikon 20 mm/70 (0,79 inch) Mk 4 (USA) (HP650-001)..

15.00 RON

Oerlikon 20mm / 70 (0/79'') AA Gun Mark 10 (USA) (HP650-003) (scara: 1/72)

Oerlikon 20mm / 70 (0/79'') AA Gun Mark 10 (USA) (HP650-003) (scara: 1/72)

 Oerlikon 20mm / 70 (0/79'') AA Gun Mark 10 (USA) (HP650-003) (scara: 1/72)..

15.00 RON

Oerlikon 20mm /70 (0/79 inch) AA Gun Mark IIIA (Britain) (HP650-002)

Oerlikon 20mm /70 (0/79 inch) AA Gun Mark IIIA (Britain) (HP650-002)

 Oerlikon 20mm /70 (0/79 inch) AA Gun Mark IIIA (Britain) (HP650-002)..

15.00 RON

Pz.Kpfw. IV B, 21 Panzerdivision (neu) 1943 (HP72852) (scara: 1/72)

Pz.Kpfw. IV B, 21 Panzerdivision (neu) 1943 (HP72852) (scara: 1/72)

 Panzer IV este un tanc mediu, dezvoltat la finalul anilor '30, folosit extensiv in WW II de ar..

57.00 RON

RAF Recovery Set (AF03305) (scara: 1/76)

RAF Recovery Set (AF03305) (scara: 1/76)

 Macaraua Coles Mk 7 si bine cunoscutul trailer Queen Mary au fost folosite extensiv de catre R..

68.00 RON

Revell Macheta militara tanc Merkava Mk.III (RV03340) (scara: 1/72)

Revell Macheta militara tanc Merkava Mk.III (RV03340) (scara: 1/72)

Modelul Merkava Mark III. a fost conceput in decembrie 1989 si a fost cel mai frecventtanc folosit a..

97.00 RON

S.A.I Mle 1937 French 25mm anti-tank gun (HP72522) (scara: 1/72)

S.A.I Mle 1937 French 25mm anti-tank gun (HP72522) (scara: 1/72)

 Piesa de artilerie din dotarea armatei franceze, cu rol de anti-tank, folosit in prima parte a..

19.00 RON

SD KFZ 7 si 8.8 CM FLAK 37 (RV3210) (scara: 1/72)

SD KFZ 7 si 8.8 CM FLAK 37 (RV3210) (scara: 1/72)

 Macheta pentru Sd. Kfz.7 cu tun de 8.8 AA Flak 37, probabil cel mai faimos tun anti-aerian al ..

86.00 RON

Soviet 76mm Regimental Gun Mod. 1943 (HP72244) (scara: 1/72)

Soviet 76mm Regimental Gun Mod. 1943 (HP72244) (scara: 1/72)

 Aceasta piesa de artilerie a fost tunul de suport pentru infanterie dezvoltat in 1943. Acesta ..

27.00 RON

sWu R, 40/28cm German Rocket Launcher (HP35217) (scara: 1/35)

sWu R, 40/28cm German Rocket Launcher (HP35217) (scara: 1/35)

 Lansator de rachete German..

23.00 RON

Tanc si Masina militara de teren BIBER & DINGO 1 (RV3192) (scara: 1/72)

Tanc si Masina militara de teren BIBER & DINGO 1 (RV3192) (scara: 1/72)

Podul mobil tanc Biber (Beaver-Castor) a fost introdus in armata Germana in 1973. Acest model de pod..

69.00 RON

TOPOL SS-25 Sickle (RV3303) (scara: 1/72)

TOPOL SS-25 Sickle (RV3303) (scara: 1/72)

 Kit de constructie al unei rachete balistica intercontinentale de origine sovietica - poa..

145.00 RON

US ARMY VEHICLES (WWII) (RV3350) (scara: 1/144)

US ARMY VEHICLES (WWII) (RV3350) (scara: 1/144)

 Kit de constructie ce contine vehiculele standard ale US Army din WWII - 2 x Tancuri M4 S..

42.00 RON

VW T1 panel van (RV7076) (scara: 1/24)

VW T1 panel van (RV7076) (scara: 1/24)

 Originile tuturor vanurilor si transportoarelor moderne se afla in platforma transportorului d..

135.00 RON

Showing 1 to 38 of 38 (1 Pages)